& Diversity
At Steelstock Services we celebrate the diversity that exists amongst our workforce and are committed to creating a working environment in which every employee can take full part.
Our aim is to develop, promote and deliver both employment and training opportunities without discriminating on the basis of race, disability, age, gender, religion or belief, or sexual orientation.
We believe our company will be a better, more creative and innovative place to work as a result of managing our workforce in a way that gets the best from their diversity.
We value different perspectives and backgrounds and integrate fairness and equality into every aspect of our employment practices.
We will implement this policy by ensuring that:
- All staff and visitors enjoy a safe working environment free from discrimination, harassment and bullying.
- All employees will have equal access to all services provided by the company.
- All employees will have equal opportunities to develop their career through training and promotion opportunities.
- Staff reflect the diversity of talent and skills from local and national pools.
- The company will take positive action to redress inequalities and discriminatory practice.
- The company recruits, attracts, develops and retains the most talented people and values the varied skills and experiences people bring to the company, thus ensuring our workforce is representative of our community.