Health & Safety
Steelstock Services is committed to pursuing excellence in everything it does and this includes the management of health & safety.
It is the policy of Steelstock Services to always place the achievement of high standards of health and safety before commercial gain. In respect of its activities Steelstock Services Ltd will:
- Promote high standards of health and safety throughout the organisation.
- Strive for continuous improvement in health and safety.
- Expect staff, customers, visitors and contractors to share this commitment by complying with our policies and, where appropriate, our procedures and to understand that they too have legal and moral obligations to themselves and to one another.
- Work together with staff and their representatives to improve health and safety, including consultation on health and safety matters with appropriate representatives.
- Be dedicated to ensuring health and safety of all persons who may be affected by our activities and will:
- Provide, manage and maintain a working environment, which is, so far as reasonably practicable, safe and in which risks to health are controlled.
- Provide adequate and appropriate facilities and arrangements for welfare at work.
- Provide, manage and maintain our workplace, grounds and properties so that they are so far as reasonably practicable, safe and that risks to health are controlled.
- Provide, manage and maintain equipment so that they are so far as reasonably practicable, safe and that risks to health are controlled.
- Ensure that the use, handling, storage and transport of items are carried out safely and that risks to health are controlled.
- Implement systems of work that are safe and where risks to health are controlled.
- Provide the necessary organisation, expertise and resource, including communication and consultation, planning, monitoring, inspection and auditing procedures to ensure that there is effective management of health and safety throughout Steelstock Services Ltd.
- Ensure that our staff and any contractors we employ are competent and carry out risk assessments for all the work that they control.
- Provide the information, instruction, training and supervision at all levels necessary to ensure that our staff are aware of the hazards at their workplace, together with appropriate measures to be taken to protect against these hazards.
- Give adequate information on relevant hazards to any persons whose health and safety may be affected by them.
- Monitor the safety performances of contractors who work for us.
- Keep up to date with best practice in relation to health and safety and comply with relevant legislation and authoritative guidance.
- Consult with and involve our staff in matters relating to their own health and safety.
- Promote a culture of co-operation and open communication, in which every opportunity is taken to learn from actual and potential failures of the health and safety arrangements and no unfair blame is placed on individuals.
- Where there is no existing policy or guidance, we expect our staff and contractors to meet the highest relevant standards and to comply with relevant legislation. Where no standards exist, we will work with our staff to develop systems, which comply with best practice and eliminate or minimise the risks so far as reasonably practicable.
- Provide effective training and development, to support staff in meeting legal requirements, recognising that individuals have responsibilities for ensuring the safety of themselves and others. This contributes to the delivery of high standards and continuous improvement in health and safety.
- Ensure that the chain of responsibility for health and safety is both clear and unambiguous, and that in addition to this chain, there is a mentor whose role is to provide independent assurance on health and safety and who has direct access to the Directors.
- Maintain a clearly documented health and safety management system to deliver the Company Policy and carry out regular reviews (at least once a year) to test the system’s effectiveness, legal compliance and promote continuous improvement.
- Maintain control of contractors’ work by appropriate specification, supervision and monitoring.
- Regularly review, develop and, where necessary, revise this Policy and the resultant arrangements.
- Ensure that Steelstock Services’ health and safety policy is implemented through documented systems and procedures.
- Ensure that any subcontractors, agents and their hauliers are fully conversant with this policy but also appreciably committed to their own internal health & safety policy arrangements.
It is a general principle within Steelstock Services that, except where otherwise dictated by legislation, safety responsibilities are vested in individuals rather than committees or other bodies.
In implementing this policy Steelstock Services will comply with all relevant national health and safety legislation including the requirement to reduce the risks resulting from the conduct of its business to staff, visitors, contractors and the general public to a level that is as low as is reasonably practicable.
The Management Team is committed to this policy and to the implementation and maintenance of the highest standards of health, safety and welfare in Steelstock Services. We expect every member of Steelstock Services to share this commitment and to work together to achieve it.